28th BETA-IATEFL Annual International Conference
Changing the World One Class at a Time: Getting Through to Students
3rd-5th May 2019, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Photo: Encho Tilev
The Bulgarian English Teachers’ Association (BETA-IATEFL) and the Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv, are pleased to invite you to the 28th BETA-IATEFL Annual International Conference, which will take place from 3rd-5th May 2019, Plovdiv – 2019 European Capital of Culture.
This forum aims to inspire and motivate teachers to exchange experience and ideas about interesting and innovative ways of teaching and creating bridges to a future learning environment where students feel confident and inspired to explore and create. We would like to offer you the opportunity to share your professional experience, expertise and insights into the fascinating world of language teaching and research. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to Teaching Young Learners and Teenagers; Teaching LSP; Teacher Education and Development; Bilingual Education; Literature, Media & Cultural Studies in LT; Global Issues; Content and Language Integrated Learning; Blended Learning; Applied linguistics; Research; Testing, Evaluation and Assessment, First/Second Language Acquisition, Foreign/Second Language Teaching, Quality in Language Education.
As usual, internationally prominent professionals in the field of language teaching and learning are invited as keynote speakers and workshop leaders. A book exhibition of major publishers and service providers in the field will accompany the conference.
SPEAKER PROPOSAL DEADLINE – 25th March 2019. For speaker proposal forms, fees and accommodation check https://www.beta-iatefl.org for regular updates. For further queries, contact beta.iatefl@gmail.com
Download this message in a file here.
We very much look forward to seeing you in Plovdiv.
Best regards,
The Conference Organizing Team