In the current issue
- Editors’ Corner (p. 3)
- Recommended Teaching Tools Leading to Improved Learning Experiences for Young Learners (Slavica Stojchevska) (p. 4)
- The European Union: A Better Place to Live (Stoyanka Delibeeva) (p. 8)
- “Kin”: A Christmas Story about New York’s Poor (Bill Templer) (p. 25)
- Inclusive Aspects of the CLIL Approach. A Resource for Teaching Foreign Languages to Learners with Special Educational Needs: The Case of the Italian Schools (Carmelina Maurizio) (p. 43)
- 11th International and 15th National ATECR Conference ELT Czechlist: Ideas from the Heart of Europe (Albena Stefanova) (p. 49)
- Across the Borders – over the Boundaries – beyond the Limits: Impressions from the 25th International IATEFL Poland Conference (Zarina Markova) (p. 54)
- Poetry Corner: The Art Class 2 (Helen Bar-Lev) (p. 59)
- SEETA News (p. 60)
- Forthcoming Events in the World of ELT (p. 61)
- Writing for the BETA-IATEFL E-Newsletter (p. 63)
- Notes for Contributors (p. 64)
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ISSN 1314-6874
Editors: Sylvia Velikova (Main Editor of the current issue) and Zarina Markova (Associate Editor)