Written by: Anna Parisi, SEETA Project Leader TESOL Macedonia - THRACE Northern Greece, Vice Chair I COULD BE IN GREECE! The people I’ve just arrived in Sofia and I...
Written by: Nina Tsvetkova, Bistra Stoimenova Sofia University - Department of Information and In-service Teachers' Training Download: Presentation in MS PowerPoint .PPT format [1,4 MB]
Written by: Svetla Tashevska - New Bulgaruian University, Sofia e-mail: svetla_tashevska@yahoo.co.uk Download: Presentation in MS PowerPoint .PPT format
Written by: Valentina Angelova Raynova, Varna Medical University, Bulgaria e-mail: valrayn@yahoo.com Towards Awareness Raising of Multicultural and Multilingual Europe while Teaching Foreign Languages to Young Learners The Comenius 2.1....
Written by: Rossen Stoitchkov, “St. Kliment Ohridski” University of Sofia Department for Language Teaching and International Students The paper deals with collocations of the type verb + noun, which are...
Written by: Helen Trugman Ph.D., Edith Gotesman Ph.D. [toc class="toc-right"] Abstract: Our paper discusses the use of innovative technological solutions in foreign language teaching for a particular student population,...
Written by: Boryana Rogozherova, Senior Lecturer, e-mail: boryana@vtu.bg T. Kableshkov Higher School of Transport, Chair of Humanities and Languages, Sofia Download: Presentation in MS PowerPoint .PPT format [toc...
Written by: Boyan Nikolov - NBU [twocol_one]Download: Handout .DOC[/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last]Download: Presentation .PDF[/twocol_one_last] The primary purpose of this workshop is to suggest some practical ideas about the use of music...