Written by: Simon Mumford This was a demonstration of ways in which pictures can be used in ELT. It started with a display of juggling to illustrate the...
Written by: Desmond Thomas, British Council Bulgaria & Svetlana Dimitrova, NBU [toc class="toc-right"] Introduction The way in which some teachers communicate with and establish positive rapport with language...
Written by: Desislava Zareva, New Bulgarian University [toc class="toc-right"] Introduction I would like to start this paper with a set of questions I asked myself when I first...
Written by: Magdalena Tsavkova Combining an exercise typical for studying a foreign language in subject learning is one of the areas in education today that is of great...
Ştefanovici Smaranda, senior lecturer, “Petru Maior” University of Tg. Mureş, Romania CREATIVE TEACHING is predicated upon the ability of the teacher to motivate students by arousing their interest...
Written by: Tsvetelina Ilieva [toc class="toc-right"] Introduction The presentation focuses on the role of the foreign language teacher as mediator between cultures, as a professional who is able...
Written by: Alan Pulverness Language awareness can be defined as an understanding of the human faculty of language and its role in thinking, learning and social life. It...
Written by: Asst. Prof. George Geshev University of Plovdiv and Ivan Vazov Language School, Plovdiv, Bulgaria Activity overview I came to think of this "game" in search of a...
Desmond Thomas, British Council Bulgaria & Svetla Tashevska, NBU [toc class="toc-right"] Do you believe that an English language teacher's job is to teach the subject - nothing more,...
Written by: Violeta Mondashka, ELMS, Shoumen Stanislava Ivanova, Naval Academy, Varna [toc class="toc-right"] Quite recently, while still writing this paper, the Bulgarian government started the official negotiations for the...