In the current issue 
- Editors’ Corner (p. 3)
- Results from a Needs Assessment of English Language Education in Bulgaria (Jesse Kiendl) (p. 6)
- Two Mini-fictions by Jacob A. Riis on Immigrants in Extreme Poverty (Bill Templer) (p. 29)
- Intercultural Communication and the Film Spanglish (Tsvetelena Taralova) (p. 47)
- Re-imagining Teaching or 9th ELTAM Biannual International Conference in Struga (Reneta Stoimenova) (p. 53)
- Interview with: Penny Ur (Tanya Bikova) (p. 59)
- Dimcho Debelyanov and the English Poets of the First World War (Christopher Buxton) (p. 65)
- Poetry Corner: 55 in third person: a space odyssey (P.L. Thomas) (p. 69)
- Forthcoming Events in the World of ELT (p. 71)
- Writing for the BETA E-Newsletter (p. 74)
- Notes for Contributors (p. 75)
Click on the image to download this open access issue
ISSN 1314-6874
Editors: Zarina Markova (main editor of the current issue) and Sylvia Velikova (associate editor)