Dear Colleagues,
We are happy to announce the 11th round of BETA competition open to all of you who would like to give it a try.
This year the conference is dedicated to Changing the World One Class at a Time: Getting Through to Students; the aim the event is to exchange practical ideas and research findings on a broad range of topics such as Blended Learning, Content and Language Integrated Learning, Global Issues, Literature, Media and Cultural Studies in ELT, Teacher Education and Development, Teaching English for Specific Purposes, Teaching Young Learners and Teenagers, Testing, Evaluation and Assessment. The competition is open to all English teachers and teacher trainers – members and non-members of BETA.
We believe that there are many of you who are ready to prepare a lesson focusing on practical teaching techniques for presenting grammar / vocabulary, or speaking, or reading, etc. Lessons for students at school (public or private) or university students are welcome. It will be highly appreciated if your lessons provide practical insights and solutions on getting through to students in this dynamic world including teaching language skills, integrating CLIL in the curriculum, cultural studies, assessment and evaluation, or the application of blended or e-learning in the ELT classroom.
1st prize
One Annual BETA Membership and attending 28th BETA Conference in 2019 with no fee
2nd prize
One Annual BETA Membership and attending 28th BETA Conference in 2019 for half price
3rd prize
One Annual BETA Membership
The winning entries will be published in BETA-IATEFL E-Newsletter.
To enter the competition you have to prepare a lesson plan (see the attached template) and provide evidence of the outcomes of the lesson based on students’ perceptions of the lesson efficiency (e.g. results from structured questionnaires with the students), examples of assignments or works produced by the students as a follow-up of the lesson, comments from colleagues observing the delivered lesson.
Please, attach the lesson plan, all materials (handouts, course book pages, etc.) used during the lesson, evidence material of the positive effect of the lesson on students’ knowledge and skills in the target language, pictures / video of the classroom (optional) and email them not later than 30th April 2019 to providing your name, contact number / e-mail and school / organization.
We wish you inspiration and success!
Looking forward to learning about your wonderful ideas,
BETA 2019 Organizing Team
11th round of BETA competition now open!
- 11/04/2019
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