Member winning entry: Tsvetelena Taralova – Parents-Children Relationships at home and in the film “Cat on a Hot  Tin Roof”
Download: Lesson as a .ZIP archive [8,3 MB]
Non-member winning entry: Iglika Bachvarova – What Do They Eat?
Download: Lesson as a .ZIP archive [0,5 MB]
Second place: Bistra Vasileva – 21st Century Taboos
Download: Lesson as a .ZIP archive [0,1 MB]
There were 5 competition entries sent to BETA Commiitee for evaluation as follows:

Author Lesson Title
Bistra Vasileva 21st Century Taboos
Eleonora Lazarova Cultural Learning Lesson
Iglika Bachvarova What Do They Eat?
Tsvetelena Taralova Parents – Children Relationships at home and in the film “Cat on a Hot  Tin Roof”
Yuliya Parvanova Fresh Waters of Europe

The submitted lesson plans and all the accompanying materials were evaluated by a specially appointed evaluating committee:

  • Nina Tsvetkova (BETA committee member, ISLE SIG)
  • Stefka Kitanova (BETA committee member, EAC SIG)
  • Svetla Tashevska (TED SIG)
  • Syana Harizanova (BETA committee member, YL SIG)
  • Tanya Ivanova (BETA committee member, YL SIG)
  • Villy Karastateva (ISLE SIG)

according to the following criteria:

  1. Benefit for the learner
  2. Clarity and cohesion
  3. Logical sequence of the lesson parts/activity steps and coherence
  4. Applicability in other teaching contexts

The winning entry submitted by a BETA member is Parents – Children Relationships at home and in the film “Cat on a Hot  Tin Roof” by Tsvetelena Taralova. Tsveti will attend next year’s BETA conference for free.
The winning entry submitted by a non-member is What Do They Eat? by Iglika Buchvarova. Iglika will attend next year’s BETA conference at half a fee.
The evaluating committee decided to give a second prize to 21st c. Taboos by Bistra Vasileva.
BETA Committee would like to thank all the teachers who participated in the competition. We hope that next year’s edition will gather even more entries!
