Shaping the Way We Teach English Webinar Course 12

The Office of English Language Programs is pleased to offer our 12th webinar course entitled Shaping the Way We Teach English.  The 6 online seminars of the course cover a variety of topics and are intended for teachers of English or future teachers of English around the world. Participants who attend 4 out of the 6 webinars will receive e-certificates. Participants are encouraged to join the associated Ning ( to participate in discussions, view or download video and other materials from the sessions, and access recordings of the webinars.
The series will take place from January 15 to March 26, 2014.  Each 90-minute webinar will be held every other Wednesday at 8:00 a.m. in Washington, D.C. (check for the time in your region).
Please Note! To take part in the webinars, please email ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ with the following information by January 3:

  • First name, last name, email address, and country
  • If you are interested in hosting a viewing session, please indicate that as well

**A few days before each webinar, you will receive a reminder email with the link to the webinar. Please select “Enter as a guest” and login with your FIRST NAME ONLY and country (example: Jenny USA). There will be no Adobe registration process before the webinar course begins.
 Your computer must have Adobe Flash Player, which comes pre-installed on most computers worldwide.  If prompted to do so, you may download the free player at
For the course schedule, please see attached Viewing Session Guide 12.