The English language needs and priorities of young adults in Europe: a survey

What are the English language needs and priorities of young adults in Europe? What kinds of English do 18-24 year olds want to speak, and why? Has the development of new technologies and online communication affected the ways in which young adults use English, and if so, how? And what might this mean for English language teaching and learning?
Northumbria University and King’s College London (both UK), in conjunction with the British Council, are surveying young adult English language learners views about the English they need and want to speak and use, and the implications of this for English language teaching.
This survey asks you about how and why you, a young adult in Europe, learn and use English, the kinds of English you want to speak, and what this might mean for English language teaching. In this survey, the term ‘young adult’ refers to 18-24 year olds.
Participation in this survey is open to all English language learners aged between 18-24, and is voluntary. Your answers are confidential – no individual’s answers can be identified – and the survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.
The survey is available online at:
For further information about the project, visit: